Lawn Care Landscaping

If you are looking for honesty and integrity and quality workmanship in a lawn mowing service, then look no further. Down 2 Ground Lawn Care & Landscaping takes pride in providing lawn mowing services available. We have earned our reputation as a hard-working, team-oriented contractor with high standards in providing lawn services. Attention to detail, and regular communication with our clients. Commercial Lawn Mowing is covered in our commercial services offering weekly and bi-weekly cuts or a one-time service, we also offer trimming, brush hog, irrigation and forestry mulching services upon request.  


A 6-step application program to control and prevent weeds

Early Spring

This early Spring application includes a fertilizer and pre-emergent herbicide. The fertilizer will promote early spring green up and add proper nutritional value for the lawn while it is coming out of winter dormancy. In addition, a pre-emergent herbicide would be applied to protect your lawn from crabgrass and pesky weeds.

Late Spring/Early Summer

The late spring application will provide a spring fertilizer with bio-nutrients, a post emergent herbicide for broadleaf weed control. This will promote a healthy lawn; an additional pre-emergent herbicide will help to control any crabgrass and weeds that may still come up and control broadleaf weeds

Early Summer

The early summer application provides a balanced slow-release summer fertilizer that will help maintain the color of your lawn without pushing growth. This application also contains broadleaf weed control.

Late Summer

The late summer application contains a Nature Safe organic fertilizer to work organic matter into your soil where it needs it most. This application also provides broadleaf weed control on an as needed basis.

Early Fall

This early Fall fertilizer will help green up the grass and help the lawn to recover from any summer stress. Also, broadleaf weeds that are present will be controlled.

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